Mohera Jomidar Bari

Dhaka - Tangail Hwy

Type: Landmarks
  • Ananda Lodge Mohera Jomidar Bari
    Ananda Lodge Mohera Jomidar Bari
  • Mohera Jomidar-Bari
    Mohera Jomidar-Bari
  • Mohera Jomidar Bari
    Mohera Jomidar Bari
  • Moharaj Lodge Mohera Jomidar
    Moharaj Lodge Mohera Jomidar

Mohera Jomidar Bari is located at Dhaka - Tangail Hwy, Mirzapur, Tangail. Besides this landmark, there are nine more landmarks listed in Tangail. There's also three attractions listed in this district in other categories. You will find the exact location of Mohera Jomidar Bari on the map above.

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Detailed Reviews

1 visitor shared a review on Mohera Jomidar Bari.

  •   by Md.Nadim Hossan
    on 03/10/2019

    Nice place 👌👌👌

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Nearby Landmarks

Following is a list of other landmarks found within few kilometers of Mohera Jomidar Bari. You may also view all landmarks in Tangail, Dhaka Division.